Setting up a kitchen

So, you’re wanting to setup your first kitchen with some quality items? This list is a good place to start!


You could get by with only a chef’s knife, but I’d highly recommend getting a ~150cm petty knife to go with a 210cm chef’s. You could also switch the chefs to a santoku if you do more vegetable work than meat.

No-fuss Enthusiast*

* If you’re going with any of the “Upgrade” or “Enthusiast” picks, definitely pick up a quality Japanese whetstone like the Imanishi Bester 1000 $99.

Finally, get the largest, thickest chopping board you can find and store, preferably end-grain wood, but cross-grain (standard) wood is fine too.

Dan’s Collection

[Maker | Steel | Style | Length]

  • Takamura | R2 | Gyoto | 210mm
  • Tojiro DP | VG-10 | Petty | 150mm
  • Moritaka | Aogami Super | Long Nakiri | 180mm (my personal favourite)

Must Haves:


  • Cup measures (if you bake)
  • Stainless steel stock pot
  • Sieve $20
  • Tongs $8 – I find I can get by with the wooden spoon and spatula most of the time, but tongs can be useful.
  • Ladle
  • Peeler $10 – If you do a lot of veg prep, a peeler can be handy.

In progress…